Advance SEO Course

Course Overview:

What you will learn in the course

Welcome to the Advanced SEO Training Program offered by EIT Computer Institute. This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Over the course of 6 months, you will delve into the intricacies of SEO, from foundational principles to advanced techniques used by industry professionals.

Course Title

Course Objectives:

By the end of this program, you will:

    • Understand the fundamentals of search engines and how they rank websites.
    • Master keyword research and selection strategies.
    • Learn on-page and off-page optimization techniques.
    • Gain proficiency in technical SEO, including site structure and performance optimization.
    • Explore advanced SEO strategies for content marketing and link building.
    • Analyze SEO metrics and utilize tools for performance tracking and reporting.
    • Develop and execute effective SEO campaigns for various business types and industries.
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What you will learn in Office Management Course

Introduction to SEO

Understanding Search Engines How Search Engines Rank Websites Keyword Research and Analysis

Off-Page Optimization

Link Building Strategies Social Media for SEO Local SEO Techniques

Advanced SEO Strategies

SEO for E-commerce Websites Content Marketing and SEO International SEO Considerations

Advanced Link Building Strategies

Understanding the importance of backlinks in SEO Advanced techniques for acquiring high-quality backlinks Outreach strategies and relationship building with influencers Guest blogging and content syndication for link acquisition Monitoring backlink profiles and disavowal process

SEO and User Experience (UX)

Understanding the relationship between SEO and UX Mobile-first indexing and responsive design for SEO Optimizing website navigation and user journey Core Web Vitals and their impact on SEO rankings Conducting SEO audits from a UX perspective

SEO for Mobile Devices

Mobile SEO Strategies and Best Practices Optimizing for Mobile Page Speed Mobile-First Indexing and Responsive Design

On-Page Optimization

Optimizing Website Content HTML Basics for SEO URL Structure and Internal Linking

Technical SEO

Website Architecture and Navigation Page Speed Optimization Mobile SEO Best Practices

SEO Analytics and Campaign Management

Google Analytics for SEO SEO Reporting and Metrics Planning and Managing SEO Campaigns

Advanced SEO Techniques

Advanced Link Building Strategies (including outreach and guest posting) Structured Data and Rich Snippets Implementation Advanced Keyword Targeting (long-tail keywords, semantic search) Optimizing for Featured Snippets and Knowledge Graphs

SEO Ethics and Best Practices

White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO Techniques Avoiding SEO Penalties and Algorithm Updates Ethical Link Building Practices Maintaining SEO Integrity and Long-Term Results

SEO Career Development

Job Roles and Opportunities in SEO Freelancing as an SEO Specialist Building a Successful SEO Portfolio Interview Preparation and Industry Insights


Upon successful completion of the program and evaluation of your projects, you will receive a certificate from EIT Computer Institute, recognizing your expertise in Advanced SEO.

Course Duration:

  • 6 to 8 Month
  • Online and Institute Classes Available

Admission Process:

  • To enroll in the Advanced SEO Training Program:

    1. Visit for course details and registration.
    2. Fill out the online application form.
    3. Pay the course fees to confirm your seat.